High Poppin' Flavour Droppin' A&O Popcorn

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High Poppin' Flavour Droppin' A&O Popcorn

Take your snacking game to the next level with our A&O rubs!

Here our A&O Ambassador Neil talks us through how he made this rather fine & tasty Fools Gold Popcorn!

❝ Well, you all know me, I try to think differently with my approach to some things. And today I wanted a Savoury snack because it’s widdling it down outside …. Yet again.

So what I did was throw some Kernels in the Popcorn maker, then took a very large pan and put some Fools Gold in the bottom with a Teaspoon of water. As soon as the FG melted down, the Popcorn went in and got stirred with a wooden spoon to coat the Popcorn, immediately transferred to an air fryer and given a heat up for 2 minutes on moderate heat . This stage revived the popcorn from a chewy mouthfeel to something a tad more robust …. And we cannot stop shovelling it into our faces ❞

At our HQ BBQ Schools we also pop some (salted) corn in the micro and shake on our seasonings while it's still hot - tremendous beer snack age!

Here's some of our favourite flavours:

Honey Chilli

Garlic Butter




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