Introducing Our Ambassador Team of 2021
Well well well, what do we have here?
We’re constantly striving to bring you the best content we can but life these days is complicated!!
So we called in some reinforcements to boost our social crew and we are super chuffed to announce some new cooking machines for 2021.
These guys and gals cook all different styles of food and hope to inspire you all while using the big flavours of A&O!
So please welcome our first ever ambassador team:
Bill Whelan @meat_fire_whisky
Rob Claydon @locarbecue
Neil Roberts @griller_guerrilla
Kevin Edge
Sue Stoneman @Sue_stoneman
And not forgetting @hungry_oink
Be sure to follow there pages for recipes and inspiration!
Our journey through food this year will be immense with these guys on board
Find out a little more about them all in their bio's here at: