UK BBQ Week Saturday 21st - Sunday 29th August

It's nearly time for UKBBQWeek & I know a lot of you like to join in with this. Dates are Saturday 21st - Sunday 29th August. Themed cook days are shown below but the main thing is to get outside & bbq! Time to top up your A&O rubs & sauces, clean your bbq, stock up with charcoal & have some fun over fire. Check out the socials on UKBBQWeek and tag your posts #UKBBQWeek. Keep your eyes peeled for some competitions too. Happy bbqing
We are excited to be involved in UK BBQ Week, a great time to show that BBQ in the UK is now far more than a burnt on the outside/raw in the middle sausage!! We'll be trying to cook along with as many of the themed cooks as possible and we hope some of you join us too!!