Bacon & Garlic Butter Fries with Baconnaise

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Bacon & Garlic Butter Fries with Baconnaise

Bacon & Garlic Butter Fries with Baconnaise

2 servings

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cooking Time: 20 minutes


300g Maris Piper Potatoes

3 tbsp Angus & Oink “Fries With That” Seasoning

1 tbsp Olive Oil

4 tbsp Mayonnaise

150g Smoked Bacon Lardons


  • Lay the potatoes on a chopping board and cut into 1cm batons. Place the fries in a bowl and rinse under cold running water to remove excess starch.
  • Preheat the Vortex Air Fryer to 200c using the air fry setting.
  • Pat the chips dry and coat with olive oil.
  • Place the fries in the air fryer basket and cook for 20 minutes. When the air fryer beeps half way through cooking, open the basket and season the fries with 2 tbsp Angus & Oink “Fries With That” Seasoning. Return the fries to cook for the remaining time.
  • Fry up the bacon lardons in a hot pan until crispy. Roughly chop the lardons and transfer them to a bowl. Stir in the mayonnaise, 1 tbsp “Fries With That” Seasoning and any oil from the pan. Place to one side until you are ready to serve.
  • When the fries are cooked, remove from air fryer and serve immediately with the Baconnaise on the side.

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