Iron BBQ & White Currant Salmon

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Iron BBQ & White Currant Salmon

Iron BBQ & White Currant Salmon
500g of White Currents
300g of Sugar
300g of Water
4 tsps of Iron Bru 
2 fillets of Salmon 
Knob of butter
Nigella Seeds 
Wash and drain 500g of White Currents and place in a heavy pan.  Add 300g of water and bring to a rolling boil, simmer for 10 minutes. 
Take off the heat and strain through a mesh colander leaving the pulp behind. 
Add back into the pan and combine the sugar, Iron Bru, butter and bring back to rolling temperature of 104c simmer for ten minutes till it’s reduce of thickened up! 
Pop into a sterilised jars or bottles.  Stand jars into a pan of boiling water to lock in flavour and simmer for 10 minutes. Cool and store for up to a year in a dark place.  
Fry Salmon 🍣 in a heavy pan and add the bbq sauce and Nigella seeds to coat the salmon.  Serve and sprinkle with sesame seeds.  A side of green salad, padron peppers and charred asparagus.  

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